Leaning tower of pizzas
Leaning tower of pizzas

leaning tower of pizzas

Observed shelving of the pizza make line to have visible residue accumulation.

leaning tower of pizzas leaning tower of pizzas

Non-food contact surfaces of equipment are unclean. 5(A)(3)/Cleanliness of nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment. PIC did not have hairnets or hats available during inspection. Hair restraints can take the form of hair bands, bandanas, hats, beard/hair nets accompanying complete restraint of hair. Observed no/improper hair restraints in use at time of inspection. Food employee(s) not wearing a hair restraint. PIC stated plans to purchase thermometer. Ensure a thermometer is provided and placed in the warmest part of the cooler (by doors). Observed no thermometer in the pizza make line unit. Hot and cold holding equipment thermometer was missing, located incorrectly, or not easily readable. 4(B)(1)/PIC: Demonstration of Knowledge - No Critical Violations PIC unable to demonstrate knowledge by having no critical violations. The following violation(s) have been corrected since the last inspection.

Leaning tower of pizzas