World of warships forum how to link youtube
World of warships forum how to link youtube

Halifax will also be the base for the Arctic patrol vessels once they are built. Deddeda Stemler / THE CANADIAN fileīut he said the “Pacific pivot” won’t result in a serious blow to Halifax’s status as a naval hub, given Canada’s commitment to North Atlantic Treaty Organization operations and exercises.

world of warships forum how to link youtube

“There’s a certain military tradition in Halifax, so I can imagine they might not be that friendly to the notion of having more warships in Esquimalt than Halifax,” said McDonough. The Halifax Chronicle-Herald noted last week that the Halifax mayor and provincial politicians kicked up a huge fuss four years ago when the navy contemplated, but later abandoned, the notion of moving a single frigate to Esquimalt. There’s a certain military tradition in Halifax, so I can imagine they might not be that friendly to the notion of having more warships in Esquimalt than HalifaxĪ shift of assets and employees from Halifax to Esquimalt would face some tough political hurdles that start with Peter MacKay - an ambitious Nova Scotian and by far Atlantic Canada’s most powerful minister - who recently moved from the defence to the justice portfolio. “Canada should not expect to make windfall profits from the positive outcomes of Asian markets if it is completely unwilling to invest in the security and stability that creates the positive environment for these very markets to flourish,” Girouard wrote in an essay published by the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below.

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